I wish I could say these last five to six weeks of being retired have been pleasurable. They have not been that way. Yes, there have been moments of fun, laughter, love, and contentment. There has also been the stress and expense of the move. Then upon arrival at the wee house in the woods furnace repairs, faucet repairs, leaking roof, and lastly because of that leaking roof the expense of a new roof. It's all enough to make this olde man go "WTH?" Then add on to this stress the culture shock of moving from Northern California (SF Bay Area) to NW Wisconsin...from a metro area of 7 million people to a village of 1,200. It is again enough to make this olde man wonder "WTH" was I thinking?
However, with faith I move on. The Universe/God (whatever you want to call it) does give us messages whether they be a clap of inspiration or a whisper of a thought. As I lay in bed this morning snuggled down under the comforter, the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer came quietly to my mind: "You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control the way you react." I paraphrase his words but I hope you get the gist of what he was trying to teach us. Today I start changing my thoughts and reactions from negative to positive.
Then, in case the whispered lesson was not enough to get through to me, I received another lesson through Unity's Daily Word: "I may not always understand the why and how of things, but I can be sure of something else: Divine order is God’s gracious gift to me."
So with these lessons in my mind I sail into this day with a comforted heart and soul...and a smile on my face.
Thank you God.