For instance this little box that I've had since my dad died...I would go through it from time to time and wonder about the things therein. I wondered if it was his? How the stuff in it related to him?
Now I am becoming convinced that this little box was made by my Uncle George for my Aunt Ingeborg...and it perhaps was her sewing box. He was a carpenter...and actually built custom houses. She was a seamstress.
So, top to bottom and left to right here is what you are seeing in the pictures above: the sewing box, it opened, the 1878 Danish Farmer's Almanac that was in there, something for a woman's hair, a little ceramic bluebird pin, a tiny porcelain doll, sewing utensils, and lastly an assortment of pins and broaches.
I handle each of these items with respect and love for the person that once had them...and used each of these items. The person that thought so much of them that they saved them.
If only I could now hear my Aunt Ingeborg's voice as she tells me what these things mean.