It started snowing around 10:30am on Sunday. It is now nearly noon on Tuesday and it is still snowing. We have had bouts of freezing rain as well as a few hours of rain during the night which has reduced the volume of snow on the ground. However, my guesstimate is that by now we've received nearly 20" of snow.
The snow is supposed to continue until 5pm today.
Many, well maybe most, places are closed because of the dangerous driving conditions.
It is with deep gratitude that I've hibernated in the wee cottage in the woods during this storm. I've read, watched TV, and napped. Yesterday I finished William Kent Krueger's book "Fox Creek." Now I am reading Steve Berry's book "Atlas Maneuver."
It is my thought that this quote best sums up these days of snow:
“the comfort of reclusion, the poetry of hibernation”
~Marcel Proust