Dan (AKA Auntie Vi) was one of the best friends I've ever had. Whenever I think of him, and it is often, I think of laughter and good times. My memories are rich with the companionship we shared.
And, of course, Mom...the constant in my life...the anchor of my being.
It's a rewarding happiness when two people you care about immensely like each other. As you can tell from the picture, they liked each other. BTW, I had completely forgotten that this picture existed until the other day when I came across it in a old box stuffed with this & that. The minute I pulled it of the box, my heart began to smile.
Are we not also the sum of all of our memories?
Or, and I quote Alek Wek: "The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don't celebrate those, they can pass you by."