In the month of October, 2009, Rick, Dave and I flew to Wisconsin/Minnesota for a long weekend (Thursday thru Monday). Words cannot capture the magic of that weekend and maybe the photos below can help (ancient Chinese proverb: "A picture is worth a thousand words"): Sadly and all too soon, we were heading down the driveway to return the rental car and to fly home. I cannot sleep on a plane but I can personally say I slept the whole way back to SFO. Is that not a perfect indication of a good time? Sheer exhaustion. Rick said to me that he wished my family was his family...the nice thing is that indeed my family is his family.
Let Go, Let God
I SURRENDER TO GOD’S LOVE, AND I BECOME WHOLE. It takes courage to let go of painful memories or circumstances. I may cling to hurt or disappointment, feeling misunderstood or unloved. But although the memories may linger, God’s unconditional love is here to heal my pain. If I need help letting go, I pray for understanding and an open heart. A world of possibilities opens when I willingly receive divine love and allow it to heal me. I release my struggle and let universal love heal my wounds. Forgiveness becomes possible. I feel whole again. When I let the love of God become my guiding principle, I am clear, confident, and at peace. I let go of the past, and I am free. Those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.—Psalm 9:10 Cooperation
I WORK WITH OTHERS IN HARMONY AND COOPERATION. Today I am grounded in a spirit of cooperation. Whether at work or at home, I look for ways to be in agreement. In every discussion, I keep an open mind. I may not solve problems or settle questions in the same way as others, but I do not criticize them or take disagreements personally. If I find myself in the minority of thought, with others preferring an answer or approach different from my own, I open to see the situation in a new light. I release any need to be right or in control. Instead, I focus on harmony and cooperation. I calmly release feelings of resistance and bless the situation and all involved. Life is a give-and-take activity. I am content as I work with others in harmony and cooperation. How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!—Psalm 133:1 It is nearing 1:20 am and the "night owl" side of me has taken control for the evening. So although I am feeling tired, I do not feel like sleeping. Tomorrow is Sunday and I do not have anything else to do but sleep late, make my usual Sunday morning hearty breakfast, and maybe do some book shopping.
Anyhow...I had dinner with Skip tonight at Tam's (a late birthday dinner, his treat) and after dinner when I got home I watched one movie done by Pixar where the main characters were a woolly mammoth, a saber toothed tiger, and a sloth. I loved it. But by time it was over I had gotten my second wind for the evening and decided to make a blueberry pie. So I made the pie and while it was baking, I cleaned the kitchen. Then I decided to watch the movie "Twister" (the one with Helen Hunt). Since it is/was a mild evening the glass doors were open and in the background I could hear the fountain burbling away. BTW, Goldilocks and Phantom (the fantail goldfish in the pond/fountain) are thriving. However, while watching the movie and especially toward the end, I heard some major munching going on at the squirrel feeder. I am thinking to myself how unusual it is for squirrels to feed so late at night. CJ was much intrigued but he was not going anywhere close to the glass doors (that should have been my first clue). Finally I walked up to the doors and to my shock (total shock) there was this huge fat creature eating at the squirrel feeder...and it was a raccoon! He ran off as soon as I got to the glass doors but yet within 20 minutes he was I chased him off again. Then I knocked the squirrel feeder off of the patio wall on to the ground. Let him eat on the ground for whatever is left but I am stopping feeding the squirrels immediately. And my fear is that he might go after Goldilocks and Phantom! So the squirrel feeder is no longer on the patio wall, the glass doors are securely shut, and CJ is napping (finally). |
January 2025