Today the weather forecast is for a high of 90 (F) with rain. Ugh. Thankfully too as of yesterday I now have two portable air conditioners producing between them 18,000 BTU's of coolness. Yesterday they kept the wee cottage in the woods comfortable...but the temp was 80 (F). Today will be their real test.
I'd forgotten how much I detest summer here in the upper midwest. Heat, humidity and I do not have a loving relationship. Fortunately those hot humid days here are not the norm yet they happen enough to make summer a miserable experience. Ahhh well, I will become acclimated to this too once again.
Now it is Saturday morning and I sit here sipping on a mug of Gevalia coffee and putting together my grocery list. Years ago the food editor at the Minneapolis Tribune was a woman named Mary Hart. Sometime during the 1970s she published a recipe for what she called "Summer Soup." It is a wonderful cold soup redolent of summer and made with tomatoes, cucumber, green onion, carrots, etc. I guess it could be a variation of gazpacho. My grocery list this morning contains the ingredients for this soup since I will be making it this afternoon. Yum! (BTW, the recipe for this soup is under the recipe section of this blog.)
Now it is time for me to head to the shower and start the day...