This morning I am up bright and early...well before the sun starts coming up over the horizon. I sit on the deck and savor not only taste of good Gevalia coffee but also the moment of quiet before the day starts. Is this my new regimen in the the "life of the retired"? Perhaps...I am not sure yet if this getting up early will continue but what I do know is that I love these moments.
Monday afternoon and yesterday morning I continued to catch up on the backlog of emails and chores associated with having internet access. Yesterday I tackled Medicare supplemental was not a fun process dealing with the runaround of the insurance providers. I will not name any names but boy am I close to doing so!
Then I tackled getting myself set up as a content writer through "Content Runner." My profile had been partially started a few weeks ago but yesterday I got it nearly completed. Now I have lots of questions about how all of this works and will start making a few phone calls and inquiries today in the hope of getting these questions answered. I am looking forward to my new career as a content writer.
Lastly...from today's Daily Word: "Holding others in prayer is a powerful, sacred process." There seems to be a theme here that the Universe is trying to teach me. The first part of that theme is that when we take care of ourselves spiritually...everything else will fall into its divine place whether it be good health, love, or prosperity. The second part of that them is that by taking care of others we begin to heal ourselves.