The afternoon was spent grocery shopping in preparation for the Memorial Day weekend. After I got home and put all the groceries away, I made myself a Tanqueray & tonic and sat for awhile on the back deck absorbing the peace and beauty that surrounded me. While sitting there I heard this beautiful birdsong and instinctively I am thinking that is a Jenny Wren. How did I know that bird's song when I'd not heard it for over 40 years??? My first thought and action were to Google the Jenny Wren...and yes, that was the song I was hearing.
How did I know that song so surely? It was and is a memory I had parents loved the wrens! They would practically "coo" when they heard the first Jenny Wren song of the summer. My parents were avid bird watchers and their yard had both bird feeders and bird houses. The bird houses were for tree swallows and for wrens. As I watched them watch birds while I was a child I must have absorbed that knowledge. Without hesitation I find the name in my memory bank of every new bird I see.
Good memories.