Here is the recipe:
6 chicken breast halves...boneless skin on*
1 8-oz bottle Russian salad dressing**
1 pkg. dry onion soup mix
1 14-oz can sliced peaches, drain and reserve the juice***
1 green pepper chopped (optional)****
Place chicken breasts in a 9-inch x 13-inch baking dish
Combine Russian dressing, onion soup mix, peach juiced and green pepper. Pour over chicken breasts. Arrange peach slices on top and bake, uncovered, at 350 (F) for one hour or until done.
*The chicken breasts I used today were very large...almost 3/4 pound for each I used only 4.
**If you cannot find Russian dressing, Catalina is a good substitute.
***You can substitute one can apricots for the peaches. BTW, the cans tend to be 15.5 oz.
****Today I did a combination of orange, red, and green bell pepper...because I like the lively color.