The police in America are out of control. Shooting an unarmed man in the back 7 times?!?!? If it had been a white man, it would have never ever happened.
I am no fan of the police for to this day they despise us gay folk. Also do not forget the police unions backed Trump in the 2016 election...and they also welcome with open arms the right-wing militias.
Couple the above with the conservative (ultra-conservative leaning of most police) and you realize that they are not on our side. Then, this little known fact needs to be loud and clear: "The Nazi state fused the police with the SS and Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst; SD), two of the most radical and ideologically committed Nazi organizations. Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, also became the chief of all German police forces. His associate, Reinhard Heydrich of the SD, became at the same time the head of the Security Police, charged with safeguarding the Nazi regime. Nazi ideology became part of all police activities. The police were central figures not just in maintaining public order, but in combating the so-called racial enemies designated by the Nazi state. It was in this context that "preventive police action" took on such terrible consequences. The SS, SD, and police were among the primary perpetrators of the Holocaust."
One then begins to realize that their motto of "To Protect and Serve" is bullshit.
So Kenosha burns while right-wing militias swagger thru the city with the police buying them water and not stopping them.
This is horrid beyond belief. It is true America finally exposing itself.