Here are the numbers:
10,966,000 people infected worldwide
523,000 deaths worldwide
2,777,000 people infected in the United States
129,000 deaths in the United States
Because of global warming this part of the country which generally has mild summer weather, is experiencing a record breaking heat wave that has now lasted for more than a week and there is a no relief in sight. It's too warm to bake or to really do any cooking. So my holiday meal will be simple...sloppy Joe's (Rachel Ray's recipe) and a tossed salad.
Meanwhile CJ has retreated into nap time after a morning of critter watching. It's going to be a quiet non-celebratory day.
When I next will celebrate the 4th of July...and again fly the flag of the United States will be when #BenedictDonald is removed from office and is in prison for treason. It will happen when a traitor such as #MoscowMitch is removed from office and is in prison and stripped of the money he has made while in office. It will happen when the likes if William Barr aka #BenedictBarr no longer leads the DOJ and is in prison for the damage he has done to the American rule of law.